I'm a man (no I'm not 40) and can admit when I am wrong. I was wrong about Seth
McClung. At the
beginning of this season after he gave up 5 earned runs in his first outing I
refereed to him only as "
McDung". I would like to say sorry Seth, how wrong I was. Since that
otuing McClung has been damn good out of the bullpen and last night in his first chance at starting for the Brewers he pitched awesome. He was on a limited pitch count and was able to go 5 innings allowing only 4 hits, 2 earned runs, no walks and 4 K's. He picked up the win, but probably the best thing about his start was he had zero walks.
McClung was always known as a guy who was a little wild but last night he just went right after the Nationals hitters and
pounded the strike zone. It was very refreshing and I'm actually really looking forward to Seth's next start, hopefully this gives him a big confidence boost and he can keep it going. If we found lighting in a bottle in
McClung to go with staff ace Ben Sheets, an every start improving Manny
Parra, solid vet Jeff
Suppan we should be okay as long as Bush can turn it around as the #5 starter. Or perhaps Doug Melvin still looks at a trade for another starting pitcher to take Bush's spot.
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